Mr Bean Nutrition Information
Posted on | March 17, 2011 | 1 Comment

Mr Bean
Here is EVERY item on the Mr Bean menu – what they claim and my advice…. Enjoy!
Mr Bean Soya Milk
What they say: We bring you the goodness of soya through the variety of our products!
Health Guru advice: Soya milk does contain lots of goodness – that is fresh, plain soya milk. As soon as you start to add sugar syrup, flavours etc – then up goes the calories. Take a look below in the difference in the amount of carbs and calories when you choose a drink without sugar.
Soya Milk with Sugar
- Serving Size: 250ml
- Energy: 138 Calories
- Protein: 7 g
- Carbs: 19 g
- Fat: 4 g
Soya Milk without Sugar
- Serving Size: 250ml
- Energy: 83 Calories
- Protein: 7 g
- Carbs: 3 g
- Fat: 4 g
Chendol Soya Milk:
What they say: Without compromising one’s health, Mr Bean created a healthier version of one of Singapore’s most popular dessert, Chendol, replaces coconut milk with healthy soya milk.
Health Guru advice: I can see how this would be a healthier option – but it still doesn’t make it HEALTHY and something to be drunk every day. The jelly / pearls / red beans are still loaded with calories. This is not a thirst quenching healthy soya milk drink and should be referred to as a dessert instead.
Normal Chendol Dessert
- Serving Size: 300ml
- Energy: 330 Calories
- Protein: 4 g
- Carbs: 45 g
- Fat: 12 g
Mr Bean Chendol Soya Milk
- Serving Size: 300ml
- Energy: 190 Calories
- Protein: 3 g
- Carbs: 29 g
- Fat: 8 g
Pearly Bandung Soya Milk:
What they say: The usual full cream milk is now replaced by freshly brewed soya milk.
Health Guru advice: By doing that – it only reduces by 25 calories. The fat is lowered by about half which is a positive. Tapioca pearls create crisis! Only 30g of pearls contain 100 calories and are full of sugar.
Normal Bandung Drink with pearls
- Serving Size: 250ml
- Energy: 163 Calories
- Protein: 1.1 g
- Carbs: 42 g
- Fat: 4 g
Mr Bean Bandung Drink with pearls
- Serving Size: 250ml
- Energy: 138 Calories
- Protein: 3 g
- Carbs: 42 g
- Fat: 3 g
Fruit Soya Milk:
What they say: Fruits are an important source of vitamins and fibre for a balance diet. Watermelon, papaya and honeydew flavour.
Health Guru advice: Yes fruit is good – but not too much of it. It’s very rich in sugars. But choosing a fruit flavoured soya milk drink is better than a sweetened sugar syrup or chocolate flavour.
Fruit Soya Milk (average all flavours)
- Serving Size: 250ml
- Energy: 210 Calories
- Protein: 7 g
- Carbs: 23 g
- Fat: 4 g
Soya Bean Curd:
What they say: Indulge in our silky soft texture soya beancurd together with our soya milk to make a perfect combination!
Health Guru advice: I’ll have to take your word on it. Seems like a reasonable claim.
- Serving Size: 200g
- Energy: 106 Calories
- Protein: 4 g
- Carbs: 21 g
- Fat: 0.5 g
Ginger Bean Curd:
What they say: A creative synergy of natural protein and pure ginger extract to give you a whole lot of health benefit
Health Guru advice: Ginger has good health promoting properties – if you like it – this also seems like a reasonable health claim and will not add any extra calories to normal beancurd.
Almond Bean Curd:
What they say: Enjoy a bowl of soft silky smooth beancurd with a twist of almond!
Health Guru advice: I’m not sure if this is almond syrup or crushed up almond nuts. If it’s almond nuts add an extra 100 calories and 10g fat. If it’s syrup flavour there will sugar as well as artificial colours and flavours that are associated with health problems and allergies.
Ginko Nut Beancurd:
What they say: Gingko Nut is recognised to be a memory enhancement builder and an oxygen-carrying agent, so this is a definitely good indulgence for students and workers
Health Guru advice: This is a bit far fetched. I’m sure the amount and concentration of of ginko in the tub of beancurd isn’t enough to boost your brain function and make you smarter as they say it will. Add an additional 100 calories to the beancurd when you add nuts.
Beancurd with Tang Yuan (Glutinous rice balls)
What they say: A godsend for tang yuan lovers, packed with the nutritional benefits of soya bean as well.
Health Guru advice: Loaded with SUGAR! High in calories as well.
- Serving Size: 1 portion
- Energy: 250 Calories
- Protein: 0 g
- Carbs: 33 g
- Fat: 30 g
Grass Jelly Drink:
What they say: Grass Jelly is known to soften, moisturise, nourish and has a reconditioning effect on the skin. Enjoy a thirst-quenching drink while caring for your skin at the same time.
Health Guru advice: As grass jelly is derived from a plant base it keeps the calories low. A little sugar is what gives it calories. Even though it looks healthy on paper, 71 calories would take about 18 minutes on continuous brisk walking to burn off and not be stored as fat.
- Serving Size: 1 cup
- Energy: 71 Calories
- Protein: 0 g
- Carbs: 17 g
- Fat: 0 g
Grass Jelly Bowl:
What they say: What better way to curb your body heat on a hot and humid day then a bowl of grass jelly? Indulge in one now to perk up your day!
Health Guru advice: It would probably contain about 80 calories per bowl – almost the same as the drink version above. And for those that believe, it’s thought to have ‘cooling’ properties.
Grass Jelly Soya Milk
What they say: The traditional “black” & “white” drink that is well liked by many. Enjoy the tasty grass jelly bits while sipping on fresh soya milk.
Health Guru advice: Grass jelly + fresh soya milk = calories and sugar. It would contain nearly 150 calories per drink (which is the same as a can of sweet softdrink ie. cola/sprite) So… therefore it’s not that healthy! Ask for soya milk with no sugar to reduce the sugar intake.
Mr Bean Biscuit:
What they say: A non-greasy and healthy snack, perfect for you anytime, anywhere.
Health Guru advice: You should never ‘snack’ on any biscuits. End of story. They are not healthy. Flavours include Pineapple, Green Tea Salted Bean and Green bean. The filling is wrapped in pastry that will contain butter. Expect each biscuit to be around 100 calories, high in fat and probably sugar. You are better off eating 2 apples instead. When you choose healthier snacks you can eat more yet consume less calories. DON’T SNACK ON BISCUITS.
Soya Icecream:
What they say: Contain 9.5 g sugar and 4.79 g of fats per serving(100g). It is one of the ice cream with the lowest sugar and fats content in the market. Has healthy snack label.
Health Guru advice: When you compare to other brand ice creams – yes.. this can be the better option – but not by that much. Don’t fool yourself into thinking this ice-cream is going to make you skinnier or healthier by eating it – it still has calories, fat and sugar. Just for laughs: Doing my research online most comments were about how bland this ice-cream tasted – so most people asked for sugary peanuts on top….. if this is you please add an additional 70 calories to the below nutrition values.
- Serving Size: 1 cone
- Energy: 136 Calories
- Protein: 4.8 g
- Carbs: 20 g
- Fat: 4.8 g
Other brand soft serve ice-cream
- Serving Size: 1 cone
- Energy: 145 Calories
- Protein: 2.5 g
- Carbs: 17 g
- Fat: 7.9 g
Green Tea Soya Icecream:
What they say: Enjoy the nutritious and delicious Soya ice cream with a twist of green tea flavour.
Health Guru advice: Green tea does contain health promoting ingredients – so if you like this flavour – go for it! It will however contain the same nutrition information for the regular soya flavour icecream.
Mr Bean Pancake
What they say: The perfect compliment to that Mr Bean drink in your hand, each pancake is stuffed with so much filling that it is simply irresistible.
Health Guru advice: If you have a Mr Bean drink (minimum 83 calories) plus a pancake (minimum 120 calories) you will consume 203 calories, lots of sugar and fat. That’s not a healthy snack.
Mr Bean Pancake with cheese
- Serving Size: 1 piece
- Energy: 120 Calories
- Protein: 3 g
- Carbs: 10 g
- Fat: 3 g
Mr Bean Pancake with red bean
- Serving Size: 1 piece
- Energy: 194 Calories
- Protein: 4 g
- Carbs: 33 g
- Fat: 4 g
Note: There are too many flavours to go through. Please accept that each is around 120 – 200 calories per piece.
Roasted Soya Nuts
What they say: Soya nuts have half the fats and double the protein or regular peanuts.
Health Guru advice: All nuts are naturally high in natural fat. Fat contains higher amounts of energy than protein and carbs. Please don’t eat a whole cup as a snack –or- in 1 sitting – a small handful only is the correct portion.
- Serving Size: 1 cup
- Energy: 450 Calories
- Protein: 42 g
- Carbs: 21 g
- Fat: 42 g
My overall feedback:
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have calculated this nutrition information from a variety of different sources. It may be more or less depending on serving sizes, hidden ingredients I don’t know about and who’s making it. Basically – all drinks are made automatically with sugar – unless you ask “don’t put sugar in” assume it’s there.
I do agree that more often than not – when compared to the ‘normal’ version – when you replace either cream, coconut milk, full cream milk etc with Soya milk it does improve the nutrition values. However… these drinks are not to be used as thirst quenchers and taken every day. They do contain ‘energy’ – which means if you drink them they either need to be used up or they are going straight to your hips and stomach as FAT FAT FAT.
Try not to convince yourself you’re being healthy because a) its soy and b) they say they are healthy. As you can see all items contain energy, fat and carbs (and alot of sugar)
Be wise with food and even wiser with snacks and health claims!
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Tags: calories in mr bean > calories in mr bean chendol soya milk > calories in mr bean drinks > calories in mr bean fruit soya milk > calories in mr bean ice cream > calories in mr bean pancake > calories in mr bean pearly bandung soya milk > calories in mr bean soya biscuits > calories in soya bean curd > is mr bean snacks healthy > nutrition information for mr bean
One Response to “Mr Bean Nutrition Information”
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May 3rd, 2011 @ 1:10 pm
Hello, I just read your posts and i would like to know what is the nutritional info for a cup of mr. Bean Pearly Soy milk, not the Bandung one.. And how many grams of pearls do mr. bean use ?