The Health Guru

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I survived Febfast!

Posted on | March 2, 2012 | 2 Comments

Incase you're wondering: Grog = Alcohol (Aussie slang!!)

Well I made it… 29 booze free days in February.  I must admit, there were some tough days, I may or may not have craved beer for breakfast on the last saturday – but I stayed strong and not a drop of alcohol passed my lips.  I even managed to easily stay sober at networking events with free flow wine and beer (the trick is to look like you’re drinking – a wine glass filled with lime cordial and water was perfect)

As well as being proud of my efforts I’m happy to report that I feel very healthy and fit, have loads more energy, not tired at all, better concentration, I feel strangely clean and clear (I can’t explain it other than I feel really detoxed) and I also get so much more done at work and home.

AND…. I’ve saved about $600. In the months of December and January where there are lots of celebrations happening, we were drinking about 5 days per week, 3 drinks per day.  Therefore, considering drinking out in Singapore is quite expensive ($10 average per drink), we were spending about $600 each month.  AND ALSO – in 29 days i’ve dropped 3.3kg. My clothes feel better and on a whole I just feel really great.  How is that possible?  Considering that an average drink has about 120 calories in.  3 drinks = 360 calories per day.  All you have to do to drop 1/2kg each week is remove 300 calories per day from your diets. So it’s very simple. Stop drinking those calories and weight loss occurs!  It truly goes to show that a few casual drinks here and there does make a difference to your waistline.

It’s been a win – win situation all around.

Would I do it again – ABSOLUTELY!  It’s quite an easy sacrifice considering the outcome.

Now where to from here:  Well… alot less booze.  No drinking during the week – only 1 day during the weekend (which is actually like my normal life before the crazy holiday season occurred – this was just the kick starter for the year).  And i’ll always remember this feeling of feeling fit, healthy and light to keep me motivated.


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2 Responses to “I survived Febfast!”

  1. Shuyi000
    March 3rd, 2012 @ 6:28 am

    You lost weight again…?
    You sure you are still within the healthy weight range…?

  2. Health Guru
    March 4th, 2012 @ 7:06 pm

    ahahahaha… thanks for your concern. But if you read between the lines, things went a little pear shaped in December / January and change needed to happen! I’m pleased to say that my BMI is 20.1 which is well within healthy range. THANKS!

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