The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

Nutrition Info: Calories in Thai Vermicelli Noodle Salad (Thai Bun)

Thai Vermicelli Noodles

I enjoy the freshness of Thai food, but funnily enough I would rather eat Thai food anywhere else but in Thailand. I think so far I haven’t found the authentic Thai food and instead just the tourist traps.Thai and Vietnamese food is very similar.  They have a balance of flavours and typically incorporate salty, sweet […]

Nutrition Info: Green Papaya Salad

Green Papaya Salad

I was recently asked by one of my readers to suggest some ‘nice salads’.  I’m probably going to shock you with this statement – but I think the word ‘salad’ needs to be retired – and replaced with a new and more interesting word that doesn’t immediately make people think: “Gross, salads… lettuce, tomato and […]

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