The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

Nutrition Info: Calories in Frozen Yoghurt

What is Frozen yoghurt:  Frozen yoghurt is considered as a type of DESSERT.   While it carries the name ‘yoghurt’, it truly is much more like a soft serve ice-cream.  It varies a little slightly as it is generally lower in fat (due to milk being used instead of cream) and is slightly more sour.  Therefore, […]

How to ask for ‘No Lard’

For all of you caucasians out there that want to know how to eat at a hawker centre and ask for “NO LARD” when you order a local meal…. here’s how: Chinese :  BU YAO ZHU YOU ZHA   Pronounced:  “Boo yaow joo yoo jar” Philippine Tagalog: WALANG MANTIKA Bahasa Indonesian:  TANPA LEMAK So depending on the […]

Healthy snacks under 100 calories

I’m not an advocate of snacking – but everyone’s different and I know there’s just some occasions and days where you are hungry and need a little snack to see you through to your next meal. The biggest danger with snacking is that often that ‘little tempting morsel’ is a calorie bomb. So i’ve found […]

Nutrition Info: Mamee Monster Noodle Snack

Mamee Monster Noodle Snack

I think you have all seen this product around and can even sing the jingle:  “Mamee Monster Noodle Snack – Crunch it, Shake it, Munch it!” Some background information on his monster noodle snack (媽咪麵) is that it’s manufactured in Malaysia by the snack food company – Mamee Double-Decker Berhad. Mamee monster snacks are very […]

How are we going to reduce OBESITY if this is what people read online?

I regularly scout around on the internet to see what other experts are saying on-line for health tips and weight loss advice.  This morning I nearly choked on my coffee reading the ninemsn health & well-being section.  I’d like to claim the following statement:  WHAT I AM ABOUT TO BLOG ABOUT I FIND RIDICULOUSLY WRONG. […]

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