My personal Best and Worst Weight Loss Tips
Posted on | April 28, 2011 | 1 Comment

Don't follow fads!
These are the my personal weight loss / health views that I believe and follow every day.
The Best Weight Loss Tips I’ve been told:
1. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, your going to get what you’ve always got.
Eh? No idea what this means…?? This means: Do the same, get the same. If you really want to see improvements in your life/body/health/weight/fitness – then if you keep doing the same thing NOTHING will change. Sacrifice has to be made.
2. Always eat breakfast.
Never, never, never, never leave the house without eating. Having a substantial breakfast will keep you alert, awake and reduce your hunger throughout the day.
3. You do not have to eat everything on your plate.
I am not a glutton. I do not think it’s wasting. I only eat until I’m comfortable. Please don’t think you have to clean your plate if you already feel full. Stop when you feel 80% full.
4. Eat more protein. Reduce your carb intake.
The amount of carbs you eat affects your blood sugar levels which influences hunger among many things. If you lower carbs and increase protein you will feel full for longer and feel less hungry.
5. Only eat when you’re hungry.
If the clock says 12pm and you’re not hungry – then don’t eat lunch yet. Why? Because if you eat when you’re not hungry you have no idea when you’re full and you don’t know when to stop eating.
The Worst and Most Ridiculous Weight Loss Tips I’ve ever heard:
1. If you chew food longer you burn up more calories
If you’re that desperate to burn off fat than just don’t put it in your mouth to have to chew in the first place.
2. Taking vitamins will make you lose weight
Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body, however they are used for normal body function, growth, development and boosting immunity. There is no magic weight loss pill or potion.
3. Any slimming centres that claim an electronic machine can ‘zap’ fats away is utter bullshit.
Your stored fat in your body can only be removed by your body using it. You do that by eating less energy (calories) and doing more activity / exercise to use up stored fat stores. There is no hocus pocus – it’s science.
4. Fat reducing creams that you rub into your skin. Again, this is utter bullshit.
Your stored fat in your body can only be removed by your body using it. You do that by eating less energy (calories) and doing more activity / exercise to use up stored fat stores. There is no hocus pocus – it’s science.
5. Powerful healing berry drinks that will make you lose 10kgs.
You’re wasting your money. See a professional that can help you adjust your diet, lifestyle and activity levels so you see results.
6. Lose 10kg in 3 weeks.
You should aim realistically to lose 1/2kg – 1kg per week. And this will plateau. You can’t keep losing weight forever, you must reach a steady constant state at some stage. Ridiculous diets that cause drastic weight loss is mainly due to loss of water (the body is 70% water). The weight on the scales will go straight back on again as soon as you drink/eat something.
Ultimately, if you want to lose weight or improve your health don’t think you know how to do it alone. You need to see a professional health coach to guide you through this. You need to make sacrifices (even small ones will work like swapping sweet drinks for sugar free drinks) and you need to leave your excuses at the door. Make change to get change.
And ultimately, believe that you can. Because you can.
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Tags: Best weight loss tips in singapore > Exercise physiologist in singapore > health blogs in singapore > health guru singapore > how to lose weight in singapore > nutrition blogs in singapore > weight loss guru in singapore > worst weight loss tips in singapore
One Response to “My personal Best and Worst Weight Loss Tips”
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May 27th, 2011 @ 11:26 am
Very Simple steps yet helpful. Thanks for sharing.