The Health Guru

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Is Red Wine healthy for me?

Posted on | May 25, 2010 | No Comments

red_wineI think one the best rumours to be circulated in the last 20 years is that red wine is actually good for you.  Let’s find out if this is a rumour or a trumour?

Lower Your Cholesterol

Alcohol also can have a very powerful effect and increase HDL “good” cholesterol by 20% if used moderately.  It can be as beneficial as a healthy diet and regular physical activity.  Research suggests ethanol (the alcohol component of beer, wine or spirits) has the ability to lower cholesterol levels and also increase ‘good’ HDL cholesterol.

Protect your Heart

Researchers think antioxidants such as flavonoids and resveratorol, have promising heart-healthy benefits.

Red wine is rich in antioxidants:  Flavanoids and Resveratorol (nonflavanoid).   These help to protect cells against oxidation, inflammation & glycation that protect blood vessels of the heart, stop fat from depositing on artery walls, lower bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots

Important Note: The research conducted that supports this was done only in mice, not humans.  To receive the same dose of resveratorol used in the mice studies, a human would have to consume 100 to 1,000 bottles of red wine a day!

Important Note: There is also no clear evidence that red wine is superior to other forms of alcohol when it comes to possible heart-health benefits.

Boost Your Brain

Research has found that moderate drinkers (one drink per day) had a 23% reduced risk of decreasing brain function.

Some other facts to consider:

Alcohol can stimulate the appetite so it is better to drink it with food. Interestingly, when alcohol is mixed with food, it can slow the stomach’s emptying time and potentially decrease the amount of food consumed at the meal.

The potential health benefits of drinking red wine is only if you’re drinking in moderation.  And that means only 1 glass of wine per day that contains 150ml.

If you are drinking wine for the health benefits and for antioxidants – then go and eat some vegetables instead!

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram – so overindulgence can lead to weight gain.  A typical 150ml glass of wine contains approximately 140 calories and has no nutritional benefit to the body.

So for all the ‘wine lovers’ out there, the news about red wine being healthy for you may sound great if you already enjoying a glass of red wine with your evening meal.  However, doctors would never advocate to a non-drinker to start as a way of improving their health.  Basically the harmful effects of alcohol outweigh the benefits. Drinking too much increases your risk of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, liver damage, obesity, certain types of cancer, accidents and other problems.

So the honest answer is – research is still completely unsure how much and what active ingredient in red wine appears to help your heart and provide health improvement.  One 150ml glass of red wine doesn’t appear to harm you – however the empty calories it contains must be balanced in your diet plan so as not to gain weight over time.  And remember – it’s all about moderation and portion size.  And before anyone asks – NO you can’t have 7 glasses of wine on Saturday night and use that as your weekly quota.

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