The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

Nutrition Info: Calories in Tomatoes

Don’t let them fool you – tomatoes are actually a fruit.  They come in many shapes, varieties and colours – and if you can add them to your diet, can provide great health benefits for you. Calories in 1 Tomato: Medium size Energy: 22 calories Protein: 1.08g Carbs: 4.82g Fat: 0.20g Health Benefits: Antioxidant Benefits of […]

Top 10: Best and Worst Anti-inflammatory foods

Chronic inflammation of the cells in your body is though to cause some of the biggest health problems of the world today including Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer. The best news is that studies have proven that the risk of each of these are significantly reduced by changing our lifestyle and making better food choices. Therefore, […]

Is Red Wine healthy for me?

red_wineI think one the best rumours to be circulated in the last 20 years is that red wine is actually good for you.  Let’s find out if this is a rumour or a trumour? Lower Your Cholesterol Alcohol also can have a very powerful effect and increase HDL “good” cholesterol by 20% if used moderately.  […]

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    • Guest_1967 : Hi, would you know the nutrional information of Thai vermicelli salad? All I can find is for Phad Thai, but I'm looking for the boiled glass noodle one.
    • Health Guru : Thanks for the Thunder Tea Rice tip... I haven't eaten for ages - will go try it.
    • Guest_2263 : Hi Natalie, you need to check out Organic Thunder Rice in Bishan Bus Interchange. Cheers
    • Guest_4579 : please update..its years away now and theres a new version in the market as well.
    • Guest_2834 : Please update... :)
    • Guest_3832 : do u advocate low carb/keto dieting?
  • Singapore Blog Awards

  • Watermelon - 23 kcal in 100g
    Watermelon - 23 kcal in 100g
    by Noni