20% of Australian children are overweight / obese before they start school
I saw this article on ninemsn and found the statistics alarming…. I hope you enjoy the read: A new study of Australian children has found that almost 20 per cent of kids are overweight or obese by the time they start school. The study of more than 1200 children aged up to five conducted by […]
If you are what you eat… then what should you look like?
I saw this article written by Jessica Irvine (www.smh.com.au) and found the statistics very interesting. I hope you enjoy the read: What should you look like?You are what you eat, they say. If so, Australians are shaped rather like a takeaway container filled with booze and meat, with nary a vegetable in sight. Two reports […]
Australia – The Fattest Nation
An alarming report has recently highlighted that AUSTRALIA has now become the fattest nation in the world (overtaking the USA). The statistics have shown 9 millions adults are classed as overweight or obese according to their BMI status. The question is – ARE YOU ONE OF THESE 9 MILLION PEOPLE? If you are, there are […]