The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

Nutrition info: Tomato Sauce (Tomato Ketchup)

The type of tomato sauce (ketchup) I’m referring to is the one you find in a bottle at the supermarket and you smother your fries with it. During the manufacturing process, it is indeed made from tomatoes, however lots of sugar is added to improve the taste and extend the shelf life (not too mention […]

Nutrition Info: Calories in Red Sauce (Yong Tau Foo)

Is Yong Tau Foo a healthy hawker food option? YES!  Is the sauce you smother it with equally as good for you – NOT NECESSARILY! It’s quite a general rule of thumb with sauces – just assume they’re high in calories! There’s only a few exceptions to this rule (vinaigrette, balsamic vinegar, lemon/oil etc).  Always […]

  • ShoutBox

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    • Info : Please, resolve the addition below before post any new comment...
    • Health Guru : Thanks for the Thunder Tea Rice tip... I haven't eaten for ages - will go try it.
    • Guest_2263 : Hi Natalie, you need to check out Organic Thunder Rice in Bishan Bus Interchange. Cheers
    • Guest_4579 : please update..its years away now and theres a new version in the market as well.
    • Guest_2834 : Please update... :)
    • Guest_3832 : do u advocate low carb/keto dieting?
  • Singapore Blog Awards

  • Kiwi - 53 kcal in 100g
    Kiwi - 53 kcal in 100g
    by Noni