The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

I survived Febfast!

Well I made it… 29 booze free days in February.  I must admit, there were some tough days, I may or may not have craved beer for breakfast on the last saturday – but I stayed strong and not a drop of alcohol passed my lips.  I even managed to easily stay sober at networking […]

Febfast – Pause for a cause

Incase youToday marks the 1st Day of February and Day 1 of FEBFAST. What is FEBFAST? Febfast is an initiative to raise awareness for those with alcohol and drug problems.  The idea is that for the month of February, you give up drinking alcohol. For further information you can take a look at the website: […]

  • ShoutBox

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    1 month, 1 week
    • Info : Please, resolve the addition below before post any new comment...
    • Health Guru : Thanks for the Thunder Tea Rice tip... I haven't eaten for ages - will go try it.
    • Guest_2263 : Hi Natalie, you need to check out Organic Thunder Rice in Bishan Bus Interchange. Cheers
    • Guest_4579 : please update..its years away now and theres a new version in the market as well.
    • Guest_2834 : Please update... :)
    • Guest_3832 : do u advocate low carb/keto dieting?
  • Singapore Blog Awards

  • Orange - 45 kcal in 100g
    Orange - 45 kcal in 100g
    by Noni