The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

The truth about McDonald’s burgers…

Click on the link below to read the article about the McDonald’s burger that hasn’t decomposed after 6 months! There isn’t even any mould. 6 month old cheeseburger This can’t be healthy for you… Think twice before you eat a cheeseburger again.

How Food IS Killing You: Fast Food

This shows you how McDonalds fries don4 Year Old McDonalds Cheeseburger Click on this link to see a short video of what has happened to a 4 Year Old McDonalds Cheeseburger.  It’s completely amazing.  If anyone eats fast food thinking it’s ‘real’ and nutritious for them – can you imagine what is happening inside their body? Super Size Me Clip Click […]

  • ShoutBox

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    • Info : Please, resolve the addition below before post any new comment...
    • Health Guru : Thanks for the Thunder Tea Rice tip... I haven't eaten for ages - will go try it.
    • Guest_2263 : Hi Natalie, you need to check out Organic Thunder Rice in Bishan Bus Interchange. Cheers
    • Guest_4579 : please update..its years away now and theres a new version in the market as well.
    • Guest_2834 : Please update... :)
    • Guest_3832 : do u advocate low carb/keto dieting?
  • Singapore Blog Awards

  • Banana - 73 kcal in 100g
    Banana - 73 kcal in 100g
    by Noni