Research Findings: Protein dominant breakfasts help you lose weight
In a recent study 21 men ate two different breakfasts on separate days. Day 1 consisted of a protein-dominant breakfast of scrambled eggs and white toast. Day 2 consisted of a carbohydrate-rich breakfast of a plain bagel, low-fat cream cheese and low-fat yoghurt. Both breakfasts contained exactly the same number of kilojoules. The study revealed […]
The most offensive 4 Letter word: D.I.E.T
When I hear the word ‘Diet’ it’s almost as painful as hearing fingernails scratch down a blackboard. It’s become the most misunderstood and misused word I can think of.
“I need to go on a Diet” “My diet starts on Monday” as well as all of those rediculous money making schemes: “Lemon Detox Diet, South Beach Diet, Blood Type Diet” blah blah blah blah
Effectively what we’ve been conditioned into thinking is that “Diets” are all about these temporary stages in your life (say 3 – 4 weeks) where the goal is to lose weight in a hurry – eating as little as you can – not caring about energy or nourishment – cutting out important food groups. Of course the outcome for many that go on ‘diets’ is that it’s painful and hard to achieve for any length of time, they’re starving, tired, have no energy, yes they may lose weight but when they return to eating normally again, will gain weight back on. The net result for most is being very disappointed and using the word DIET like it’s an offensively naughty 4-letter word.