Why people fail to lose weight
Our lives have become more stressful, we sleep less, our energy output has dropped (more sedentary jobs & activities), socialising is associated with gluttony as we eat and drink like kings frequently. So why is it that considering all of this – our energy or calorie input (food and drinks we consume) is higher than […]
How Food IS Killing You: Sugar (Sucrose)
I’m about to tell you something a little controversial. I believe that sugar is the most crippling ‘drug problem’ that the world is currently facing. Yes – I did say drug. Why? Because as the world is now flooded with pre-packaged / manufactured foods and drinks containing mountains of sugar – the harmful effects are […]
Durian – The King Of Fruit
Smell aside, Durian is not known as the king of fruit for nothing. It is a weight-watchers nightmare. The creamy flesh inside this spiky hard covered fruit is loaded with calories. 1 medium size fruit contains about 650 calories (equivalent to a whole plate of chicken rice). It’s also one of the only fruits that contains a substantial amount of fat.