Top 10: Best and Worst Anti-inflammatory foods
Chronic inflammation of the cells in your body is though to cause some of the biggest health problems of the world today including Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer. The best news is that studies have proven that the risk of each of these are significantly reduced by changing our lifestyle and making better food choices. Therefore, […]
Exercise Addiction: Endocannabinoids ??
It is now being suggested that it’s not totally correct to give “Endorphins” all the wrap when talking about the reported feeling of euphoria after an exercise session. Studies have shown that Endorphin molecules are quite large and can’t pass through the blood-brain barrier. So therefore, a runner’s ‘high’ could be due to other substances […]
Nutrition Info: Calories in Ais Kachang
Ais Kachang (or Ice Kachang) is a common Malaysian and Singaporean dessert. It consists of a mountain of shaved ice and then brightly coloured syrups are poured over the top including rose syrup, sarsi syrup and gula Melaka syrup (palm sugar). What makes it so unique are the toppings that can be added on top […]
How to ask for ‘No Lard’
For all of you caucasians out there that want to know how to eat at a hawker centre and ask for “NO LARD” when you order a local meal…. here’s how: Chinese : BU YAO ZHU YOU ZHA Pronounced: “Boo yaow joo yoo jar” Philippine Tagalog: WALANG MANTIKA Bahasa Indonesian: TANPA LEMAK So depending on the […]
Nutrition Info: Calories in Hot Cross Buns
A hot cross bun is a sweet spiced bun that typically contains currants, raisin, cinnamon, candied fruit and fruit peel that is marked with a white cross on top made from either pastry, flour or icing. These buns are synonymous with Easter, traditionally only being eaten on Good Friday. However, now they are growing in […]