The Health Guru

Facts, Hints, Tips, Advice and Inspiration on everything to do about health & weight loss.

The Healthy Heart Challenge – Australia

I’m really proud of my MUM for signing up to The Healthy Heart Challenge in Australia.  This is part of the Heart Foundation Go Red for Women campaign to help raise awareness that heart disease, which is the No. 1 killer of Australian women. There are four goals to choose from in the Healthy Heart […]

Are you having a heart attack – Signs and Symptoms

Very sadly, I personally know two people that have dropped dead from a heart attack in the last week.   No chance for good-byes …… just gone …… in the age group of late 50’s to 60’s – and to be truthful, that really scares me (and hopefully scares you too) Heart Disease is a LIFESTYLE […]

Correct hydration in hot temperatures – ie. Singapore

Last weekend was the HOTTEST weekend in Singapore that I can remember having in a loooooong time.  And, as chances would have it, it was the weekend that I completed four paddling training sessions in the boiling hot sun. It is truly no exaggeration when I tell you this – one of my dragon boating […]

Nutrition Info: Calories in Frozen Yoghurt

What is Frozen yoghurt:  Frozen yoghurt is considered as a type of DESSERT.   While it carries the name ‘yoghurt’, it truly is much more like a soft serve ice-cream.  It varies a little slightly as it is generally lower in fat (due to milk being used instead of cream) and is slightly more sour.  Therefore, […]

What is Yoghurt?

Yoghurt is produced by fermenting milk with bacteria called “yoghurt cultures”.  Fermentation of lactose (sugar) by this bacteria produces lactic acid, which causes the protein in milk to thicken and become tangy / sour. Yoghurt is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 & B12.  The live bacteria that is retained is extremely beneficially for […]

Nutrition Info: Calories in Yami Yoghurt

Yoghurt has entered the retail snack food market in a big way.  No longer do you find it only in the dairy section in the supermarket, you can easily find stalls selling yoghurt and yoghurt based snacks in shopping centres. There’s a misconception that Yoghurt is healthier than Ice-cream.  There are so many varieties, styles […]

DBS Marina Regatta – Day 2 (500 metres)

Day 2 at the DBS Marina Bay Regatta was just as action packed as the first. I think i’ll keep it short and sweet because the results didn’t exactly pan out the way the aussie team wanted.  We tied for 1st place for the overall weekend, but due to time constraints we were not permitted […]

DBS Marina Bay Regatta – Austcham Paddle Club

Here we are…. complete with our cute doggy mascots Billy and Abby.  Aussie Aussie Aussie – Oi Oi Oi !!  Austcham Paddle Club.

DBS Marina Regatta – Day 1 (200 metres)

Saturday 5th May was Day 1 of the DBS Marina Bay Dragon Boat Regatta.  This is the 1st year the event has been organized and set in the gorgeous Marina Bay.  DBS are sponsoring this international race and teams have attended from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia and of course Singapore.  The most exciting part […]

Nutrition Info: Chickpeas

Chickpeas are part of the legume family and are also known as ceci bean, garbanzo bean, chana, sanagalu, Indian pea and grams. These are a particularly valuable food as they are higher in protein without containing any animal protein.  For this reason, they are highly regarded by vegetarians.  They are also very versatile and can […]

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